A collection of simple AS3 string helpers
This article was originally published at tech.blinemedical.com
We all know that it’s smart to create helper and utility classes when faced with a problem that can be encapsulated, but sometimes we forget that even the smallest of things can be put into a helper. Whenever you find yourself writing something more than once you should think about encapsulating that logic. Even small logical elements should be moved to a separate function. It helps with readability, maintainability, and a separation of logic. It also makes things easier to test. Here are a couple of ActionScript string utilities we use. We have tons of them and I’ll be posting snippets here and there of ones we find useful.
Check if a list is empty.
I use this one everywhere! It seems silly, but this may be the most used helper function in our entire application.
public static function isEmpty(list:IList):Boolean {
return list == null || list.length == 0;
Flatten a list into a delimited string
It’s handy to be able to say given a list of objects, print out a comma (or delimiter) seperated string representing that list. This function takes a list, a function that formats each item, and an optional delimiter. An example usage is:
var foldedString:String = foldToDelimitedList(listOfUsers,
return (item as UserData).userName;
Which would give you something like “user1, user2, user3”.
public static function foldToDelimitedList(vals:ArrayCollection, formatter:Function, delim:String = ", "):String{
var retString:String = "";
var count:int = 0;
for each(var item:Object in vals){
retString += formatter(item);
if(count \< vals.length){
retString += delim;
return retString;
Find an item in a list
This one is handy when you want to know if something is in a list based on a certain property. If it finds the item it will return to you the index it found. You use it like this:
var index:int = findItem(list, "someProperty", "expectedPropertyValue");
For an element whose property someProperty
matches the value expectedPropertyValue
, it will return the first found index.
public static function findItem(dataProvider:Object, propName:String, value:Object, useLowerCase:Boolean = false):int {
if (value == null) {
return -1;
var max:int = dataProvider.length;
if (useLowerCase) {
value = value.toString().toLocaleLowerCase();
for(var i:int=0; i\<max; i++) {
var item:Object = dataProvider[i];
if (item == null) {
var loopValue:Object = item[propName];
if (loopValue == null) {
if (loopValue == value || (useLowerCase && loopValue.toString().toLocaleLowerCase() == value)) {
return i;
return -1;