Chaos monkey for docker
I work at a mostly AWS shop, and while we still have services on raw EC2, nearly all of our new development is on Amazon ECS in docker. I like docker because it provides a unified unit of operation (a container) that makes it easy to build shared tooling regardless of language/application. It also lets you reproduce your applications local in the same environment they run remote, as well as starting fast and deploying fast.
However, many services run on a shared ECS node in a cluster, and so while things like Chaos Monkey may run around turning nodes off it’d be nice to have a little less of an impact during working hours while still being able to stress recovery and our alerting.
This is actually pretty easy though with a little docker container we call The Beast
. All the beast does is run on a ECS Scheduled event every 15-30 minutes from 10am - 3pm PST (we have teams east and west coasts) and the beast kills a random container from whatever cluster node its on. It doesn’t do a lot of damage, but it does test your fault tolerance.
Here’s The Beast:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
require 'pp'
class Hash
def extract\_subhash(\*extract)
h2 ={|key, value| extract.include?(key) }
self.delete\_if {|key, value| extract.include?(key) }
ignore\_image\_regex = ENV["IGNORED\_REGEX"]
raw = "[#{`docker ps --format ''`.lines.join(',')}]"
running\_services = JSON.parse(raw).map { |val| val.extract\_subhash("ID", "Image")}
puts running\_services
puts "Ignoring regex #{ignore\_image\_regex}"
if ignore\_image\_regex && ignore\_image\_regex.length \> 0
running\_services.delete\_if {|value|
/#{ignore\_image\_regex}/ === value["Image"]
if !running\_services || running\_services.length == 0
puts "No services to kill"
puts "Bag of services to kill: "
to\_kill = running\_services.sample
puts "Killing #{pp to\_kill}"
`docker kill #{to_kill["ID"]}`
prng =
quips = [
"Dont fear the reaper",
"You been rubby'd",
"Pager doody"
puts "#{quips[prng.rand(0..quips.length-1)]}"
Beast supports a regex of ignored images (so critical images like the ecs_agent and itself) can be marked as ignore. This can also be used to update the beast to allow it to ignore services temporarily/etc.
We deploy The Beast with terraform, the general task definition looks like:
"name": "the-beast",
"image": "${image}:${version}",
"cpu": 10,
"memory": 50,
"essential": true,
"logConfiguration": {
"logDriver": "awslogs",
"options": {
"awslogs-group": "${log\_group}",
"awslogs-region": "${region}",
"awslogs-stream-prefix": "the-beast"
"environment": [
"name": "IGNORED\_REGEX", "value": ".\*ecs\_agent.\*|.\*the-beast.\*"
"mountPoints": [
{ "sourceVolume": "docker-socket", "containerPath": "/var/run/docker.sock", "readOnly": true }
And the terraform:
resource "aws\_ecs\_task\_definition" "beast\_rule" {
family = "beast-service"
container\_definitions = "${data.template\_file.task\_definition.rendered}"
volume {
name = "docker-socket"
host\_path = "/var/run/docker.sock"
data "template\_file" "task\_definition" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/files/task-definition.tpl")}"
vars {
version = "${var.beast-service["version"]}"
region = "${var.region}"
image = "${data.terraform\_remote\_state.remote\_env\_state.docker\_namespace}/the-beast"
log\_group = "${var.log-group}"
resource "aws\_cloudwatch\_event\_target" "beast\_scheduled\_job\_target" {
target\_id = "${aws\_ecs\_task\_definition.beast\}"
rule = "${aws\_cloudwatch\_event\_rule.beast\_scheduled\}"
arn = "${\_ecs\_cluster.default\}"
role\_arn = "${\_iam\_role.ecs\_service\_role.arn}"
ecs\_target {
task\_count = 1
task\_definition\_arn = "${aws\_ecs\_task\_definition.beast\_rule.arn}"
resource "aws\_cloudwatch\_event\_rule" "beast\_scheduled\_job" {
name = "${aws\_ecs\_task\_definition.beast\}"
description = "Beast kills a container every 30 minutes from 10AM to 3PM PST Mon-Thu"
schedule\_expression = "cron(0/30 18-23 ? \* MON-THU \*)"
is\_enabled = false
resource "aws\_cloudwatch\_log\_group" "beast\_log\_group" {
name = "${var.log-group}"
We can log to cloudwatch and correlate back information if a service was killed by the best as well. It’s important to note that you need to mount the docker socket for beast to work, since it needs docker to run. A sample dockerfile looks like:
FROM ubuntu:xenial
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ruby-full build-essential
RUN gem install json
ADD beast.rb /app/beast.rb
RUN chmod +x /app/beast.rb
ENTRYPOINT "/app/beast.rb"
It’s bare bones, but it works, and the stupid quips at the end always make me chuckle.